Alma VHF Repeater

Since last summer (2019), the Elmira Radio Club has a VHF repeater with callsign VA3DWI, in Alma, at 147.255 MHz, with a positive offset of 600 KHz, and a PL tone of 131.8. The repeater is at Ken VE3KCY’s place. It is not currently connected to IRLP, but as of October 2020, it is linked to the UHF ERC repeater using a cross-band radio at the home of VE3DWI. There are plans to eventually link this repeater with a co-located radio to either the existing ERC UHF or VHF repeater in Elmira. A big Thank-You to Tony VE3DWI for loaning this repeater and duplexer to the Club and setting up the cross-band link.

ERC Meeting, Oct 24, 2018; 7:30 PM

Preceded by the Annual Silent Key Memorial Dinner at the Crossroads, 5:30 PM

EYEBALL QSO – Set-up, Social time & coffee

1 Meeting Call to Order, Welcome
2 Roll Call & Quorum
3 Adopt Agenda
4 Secretary’s Report TOM VE3DXQ
   ● Approve minutes of Previous Meeting
5 Treasurer’s Report PAUL VA3PDC
   ● Monthly update on Finances
6 Vice President’s Report Ted VE3TRQ
   ● Fall update and activities
7 Committee Reports
   ● Safety Officer (Tom VE3DXQ)
   ● other reports as needed
8 Unfinished Business
   ● Elmira Radio Club electronic footprint clean-up/clarification (Brian VA3DXK
   ● Silent Key Memorial Dinner Oct 24th – comments, suggestions
9 New Business
   ● Feed Mill Repeater Cabinets & Committee (Bill and others)
   ● Christmas Party Dec – date TBD (Brian VA3DXK)
   ● Scouts
   ● Other?
10 Presentations/Speakers/Workshop
   ● Member survey ideas & activities, volunteers, etc.
11 Announcements
   ● Next meeting: Wednesday November 28th, 2018
   ● others?
12 Adjournment
   ● Motion to adjourn the meeting.