ERC Meeting Wed Feb 24; 7:30 PM


(Electronic meeting due to Covid-19) ZOOM meeting)

7:00 – Virtual EYEBALL QSO – Set-up, Social time & coffee

1 Meeting Call to Order, Welcome

2 Roll Call & Quorum

3 Adopt Agenda

4 Secretary’s Report KIRK VA3KXS
● Approve minutes of Previous Meeting

5 Treasurer’s Report PAUL VA3PDC
● Monthly update on Finances

6 President’s Report BRIAN VA3DXK
● Annual dues in March: $40 RAC member, $50 non-RAC
● Club Officer elections held during May AGM

7 Committee Reports
● Safety Officer (Kirk VA3KXS)
● Nominations Committee (Rich VE3DCC / TomVE3DXQ)
● Winter Field Day report (Bill VA3QB)
● Summer Field Day Committee, June 26-27 (Bill VA3QB, others)
● other reports as needed

8 Unfinished Business
● Update Club Membership Roster, Committees & Members

9 New Business
● Elmira Maple Syrup Festival (Virtual this year, Mar 27)
● Dues Accommodation for Family Members (Brian VA3DXK)

10 Presentations/Speakers/Workshop
● Emergency Back-up Power (Tony VE3DWI)

11 Announcements
● Next meeting: Wed March 24
● Annual Dues, March
● Others?

12 Adjournment
● Motion to adjourn the meeting

ERC Meeting Wed Jan 27; 7:30 PM


(Electronic meeting due to Covid-19) ZOOM meeting)

7:00 – Virtual EYEBALL QSO – Set-up, Social time & coffee

1 Meeting Call to Order, Welcome

2 Roll Call & Quorum

3 Adopt Agenda

4 Secretary’s Report KIRK VA3KXS
● Approve minutes of Previous Meeting
● Update on Club membership, new. members

5 Treasurer’s Report PAUL VA3PDC
● update on Finances

6 President’s Report BRIAN VA3DXK
● Dues in March: $40 RAC member, $50 non-RAC

7 Committee Reports
● Safety Officer (Kirk VA3KXS)
● Repeater updates (Bill VA3QB)
● Nominations Committee (Brian VA3DXK)
● other reports as needed

8 Unfinished Business
● None at this time

9 New Business
● Other?

10 Presentations/Speakers/Workshop
● Nothing scheduled this month

11 Announcements
● Next meeting:
Next meeting: Wednesday February 24 , 2021
● Others?

12 Adjournment
● Motion to adjourn the meeting

ERC Meeting; November 25, 2020; 7:30 PM


(Electronic meeting due to Covid-19) ZOOM meeting)

7:00 – Virtual EYEBALL QSO – Set-up, Social time & coffee

1 Meeting Call to Order, Welcome

2 Roll Call & Quorum

3 Adopt Agenda

4 Secretary’s Report KIRK VA3KXS
● Approve minutes of Previous Meeting

5 Treasurer’s Report PAUL VA3PDC
● update on Finances

6 President’s Report BRIAN VA3DXK
● Brief updates and comments

7 Committee Reports
● Safety Officer (Tom VE3DXQ)
● Repeater updates (Bill VA3QB)
● Club electronic footprint update/status (Ted VE3TRQ Kirk VA3KXS)
● Nominations Committee (Brian VA3DXK)
● other reports as needed

8 Unfinished Business
● Constitution & By-Laws motions updates (Kirk VA3KXS)

9 New Business
● Virtual Christmas Meeting/Gathering
– ideas for December (Brian VA3DXK)
● Other?

10 Presentations/Speakers/Workshop ● undetermined yet

11 Announcements
● Next meeting:
Wednesday December 23 , 2020 (to be determined/confirmed)
● Others?

12 Adjournment
● Motion to adjourn the meeting


At the September 23, 2020 meeting there were 3 motions put forth to amend the current Constitution and By-Laws of the ERC Elmira Radio Club Inc.  Our current Constitution outlines the following process for amendments:

 Article IX  Amendments

This Constitution or By-Laws may be amended by a majority of club members in good standing and present either in person or by proxy during any regular meeting of the total membership in good standing at any regular meeting. Proposals for amendments shall be submitted in writing at a regular meeting and shall be voted on at the next following regular meeting, provided all members have been notified by email of the intent to amend the Constitution and/or By-Laws at said meeting. 

The motions were submitted in writing during the September 23, 2020 meeting and were seconded.  This email is notification to you, the members, of the intent to amend the Constitution and/or By-Laws at the October 28, 2020 meeting.  If you are unable to attend the meeting on October 28, 2020 you do have the right to designate a proxy to vote in your place.  Please email with the name of your proxy and we will ensure to account for these during voting.

Below are details of the proposed amendments.  Note that these can be debated and themselves be amended via motions prior to voting on whether to accept the principal motion.

Motion 1 by Kirk VA3KXS: 

MOTION to strike out the paragraph beginning “The current slate of officers is as follows” in Article II Officers; Section 2. Officers as currently written in the Elmira Radio Club Constitution.

For reference, the current text of this section is:

Section 2. Officers
The officers of this club shall be President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Trustee.

The current slate of officers is as follows:
• Brian Filbey VA3DXK – President
• Ted Rypma VE3TRQ – Vice-President
• Tom Mahony VE3DXQ – Secretary
• Paul Curtin VA3PDC – Treasurer
• Wes Snarr VE3JXX – Trustee

This motion proposes to delete entirely the section highlighted in red above.

Motion 2 by Kirk VA3KXS:

MOTION to substitute the following for Article IX Amendments of the Elmira Radio Club Constitution: “Motions to amend the Constitution or By-Laws must be submitted in writing at a regular meeting and if seconded shall be voted on at the next following regular meeting, provided all members have been notified by email of the intent to amend the Constitution and/or By-Laws at the next following meeting.  A majority of the full membership must approve any motions to amend the Constitution or By-Laws.  Club members can vote on motions for amendments to the Constitution or By-Laws in person or via a proxy who is specified in writing to the Secretary.

For reference, this is the current text of the article:

Article IX  Amendments
This Constitution or By-Laws may be amended by a majority of club members in good standing and present either in person or by proxy during any regular meeting of the total membership in good standing at any regular meeting. Proposals for amendments shall be submitted in writing at a regular meeting and shall be voted on at the next following regular meeting, provided all members have been notified by email of the intent to amend the Constitution and/or By-Laws at said meeting. 

This motion proposes to replace the section highlighted in red above.

Motion 3 by Kirk VA3KXS:

MOTION to recognize the objects for which the ERC Elmira Radio Club Inc. corporation was incorporated by prepending them to the current ERC Constitution & By-Laws document, henceforth referring to this document as the ERC Charter, Constitution & By-Laws. The text of the first section of the document would become:

The objects for which the corporation is incorporated are:

  • To provide backup radio communications for the Township of Woolwich, Waterloo County, in times of civil emergencies.
  • To provide radio communications support for non-profit community organizations on a voluntary basis.
  • To initiate, facilitate and sustain study and research into amateur radio communications and related hobby technologies, locally, provincially and nationally.

For reference, we do not currently have a Charter section in this document.  The text above was copied verbatim from the Application for Incorporation of a Corporation without Share Capital submitted to the Ontario Government on June 23, 2015 and approved as Letters Patent on September 14, 2015.  The application was signed by Rich Clausi, Tom Mahoney, Reg Horney and Alan MacDonald.

There will be opportunity to discuss, debate and amend these motions prior to voting during the meeting on November 25, 2020.  We hope to see you there.

 Kirk Sinclair – VA3KXS

Repeater Update

The VHF repeater at 147.390 is now located at the feedmill, along with the UHF repeater. Both repeaters are now in a secure cabinet at ground level, with 7/8 inch hardline connecting both to the original feedline near the top of the mill. Hopefully VHF coverage will be better now with the increased antenna height.