March Meeting

Another successful evening. Al discussed several items and most of the time was spent on the EH Antenna and its various shapes and forms.

Bob will present us with a proper meeting report as soon as his computer has been repaired. Unfortunately his equipment suffered major failure and needs to be hospitalized.




Starting out new.


I have updated the Elmira Radio Club site from an actual web site to a blog. The web site (made on a Mac) was too restrictive in the sense that nobody else can post to it. The Google Blog is good but I noticed also some restrictions. I am trying to learn the ins and outs of WordPress. Our ISP happen to have WordPress installed on their system thus it was easy to make that selection.

A little bit less easy was the theme, I looked at all the options and there is not a single amateur radio theme. So this is the best I can do for the moment.

I invite all radio amateurs to subscribe and the ERC member especially to become active contributors.


Johan VA3JBO