Banner 2

So it finally works as I wanted it to. The banner shows page titles, this is it, from now on blogs only. So I invite all members to come up with a story of interest and I will post it.


Header Picture

April 01

I believe that this is better now. At least the banner does not take up half the page. Maybe we will find another photo later on that suits it better. I looked around the world of Google and WordPress but it seems that nobody had an amateur radio theme. That’s why I am making it myself.


Time to think about elections

It is that time of the year again where we have to start thinking about elections and choosing a new executive at the April meeting.

President. Al: waiting for comment

Vice President. Johan: I will not run for vice-president again so this position will become available.

Secretary. Bob: waiting for comment

Treasurer. Reg: waiting for comment

Trustee is open


So please ask yourself is there something you want to do for you club.